Use your Rdao Tokens to cast your VOTE.
VOTING AND GOVERNANCE is a new feature where an RDao Stakeholder is given the right to approve an incoming domain by voting for its inclusion in the marketplace. Every Friday, our DAO contract will collate all the votes that will either approve or deny domains that do not meet the criteria.
Rdao token stakeholders have to use the realtydao app and click on the Governance Tab to be able to cast a yes or no vote and track the percentage of votes casted. Votes must reach more than 50% of stakeholder approval before a domain is added to the RealtyDao Marketplace.
Stakeholders will receive a weekly email on new and incoming domain submissions.
New Governance Feature
Go to GOVERNANCE page by clicking the Governance menu link on the left side navigation.
Click YES or NO to either Approve or Deny incoming Domains
How it Works
Here's how it will look like prior to approval via VOTING:
Voting percentage “0”
Tld status “new”
Action “waiting for approval”
Voting process reaching more than 50% yes will set the status of the submitted domain to approved. Here’s how it will look like.
Voting percentage “89.3198”
Tld status “approved”
Get More Rdao now to get more voting percentage. The more tokens you have, the more voting power to accept or deny incoming domains in the Realtydao Marketplace.
Again, We are still on limited token sale and staking! Buy rDAO and stake it to get more token rewards before we place rDAO to the top exchanges in Binance.